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Working at LSDS

In our dedicated team, every employee has the opportunity to always contribute creatively. We love what we do and are characterized by teamwork, experience and competence.

We asked the team...

What is the best thing about your job at LSDS?

"Working together with all kind of different people with different backgrounds and seeing things being developed and growing over time."


"Learn every day and turning goals into reality."


"Collaborating in a small team, realizing ideas, building productive products that people like to use."


"It always remains exciting because I get to work on many different tasks. I can always be creative."


Join us!

Do you want to be actively involved in your job, make a difference and improve things?


We are always looking for new talents who are looking for exciting tasks and a job that is fun and fulfilling. We offer a long-term perspective and the opportunity to be involved in shaping the future.

Open positions:

Currently no open position available.

Our core values

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